Current company information at a glance.
In this overview we keep you informed about our current projects, activities and more.
MUST-HAVE progress study for jersey sleeve sponsors! The jersey sleeve study Ed.7 by SLC - now available in the Insight Store!
The 7th edition of the Shirt Sleeve Study by SLC provides clubs and sponsors with valuable insights into how to make the most of the potential of shirt sleeve sponsorship. The generally high and constant acceptance of sponsorship, the low disruption factor among fans and the influence of sponsors' involvement on fans' purchasing behavior are just some of the many key findings of this study. These and many other findings of the study support jersey sleeve sponsors or companies that would like to become jersey sleeve sponsors in making the right decision regarding the right commitment and optimal activation.
"Because a like doesn't make you popular"
- Study reveals parameters for economic success and popularity of a club
- High budget and sporting success not necessarily responsible for popularity
- Attractiveness, platform quality, value and popularity of the club as influencing factors in sponsor commitment
Tracking the DNA - popularity from a unique perspective
- Which Bundesliga soccer club is the most popular and why?
- What makes a club popular in the first place?
- How do the 18 clubs in the 2021/22 Bundesliga season perform in terms of these criteria?
SLC Management cooperates with Sport 1 and Fever Pit'ch
Pit Gottschalk, Managing Director of Sport 1 and initiator of the sports newsletter Fever Pit'ch, has entered into a cooperation with the consulting and market research company SLC Management GmbH, Nuremberg, to enrich and substantiate the reporting with serious and valid market and opinion research data.
Mehr...Borussia Dortmund extends successful cooperation with SLC into eleventh year!
Borussia Dortmund and SLC Management look back on more than ten years of successful cooperation. This especially in the area of fact-based consulting through the unique Club-Information-System CIS©. This system supports Borussia Dortmund in strategic and operational decisions based on representative data and advisory.
Carsten Cramer, Managing Director BVB, comments:
„Throughout our cooperation with SLC Management, focusing on the SLC market-research based Club-Information-System, we have known SLC Management, as a competent and reliable partner.”
Advantage through value studies: Always one step ahead with the sustainability study and the expert opinion on regional economic effects
Based on these challenges for professional clubs, SLC Management GmbH, under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Alfons Madeja, has launched the #WerteStudien initiative in order to be able to offer you customized analyses and solutions around the topic of "values" of professional clubs within a very short time.
Which club in the Bundesliga is the most popular and why? Which criteria are decisive? How do the 18 clubs in the 2020/21 Bundesliga season perform in terms of these criteria? These questions are answered by SLC Management's 2021 popularity study under the impression of the Corona Pandemic. The result is a holistic analysis of the popularity construct that is relevant for the entire soccer market.
Mehr...Fan Opinion on the UEFA Nations League 2020/21
On Thursday, September 3, 2020, the UEFA Nations League will enter its second season after making its debut in 2018. The tournament, in which all 55 UEFA member associations participate, has been providing an additional qualification path since 2018, in addition to the qualifying tournaments for the major international tournaments.
Mehr...Fans advocate restricted return to the stadiums
In a representative survey, we asked more than 5,000 Bundesliga fans about spectators at major events and the start of European club competitions, among other things. In Germany, all major events are prohibited until at least August 31. According to the decision of the Federal Government on June 17, events where contact tracking and compliance with hygiene regulations is not possible should not even take place until at least the end of October 2020. For this reason, the German professional leagues are currently working on concepts that should enable spectators to return soon.
Mehr...Marketing - especially important in the crisis
The current crisis holds great risks for many companies. In this respect, many companies are making cuts and pursuing a cost-cutting strategy. The question arises, however, whether the red pencil should also be applied to marketing, especially in view of the fact that attractiveness and marketing measures can save the survival and future of a company.
Mehr...#Instantinsights on the Re-Start of the Bundesliga
After an interruption of about eight weeks due to the Corona crisis, the Bundesliga will resume play on Saturday. But what do the fans think about the re-start? What do the fans think of the date set? How do the fans view the equal opportunities between the clubs? We asked the opinions of the fans in Germany's only representative Bundesliga panel with registered participants from a total of 5,230 fans and customers of the clubs about these and other questions concerning the re-start and received exciting results.
Mehr...#Instantinsights on the resumption of play from the perspective of Bundesliga fans
The DFL plans to resume play as early as May. We asked for the opinions of the fans in Germany's only representative Bundesliga panel with registered participants from a total of 5065 fans and customers of the clubs and were able to record exciting results with high agreement rates.
Mehr...#InstantInsights on DFL resolutions to overcome the Corona crisis
In order to cope with the Corona crisis, the German Football League (DFL) has put together a package of measures and announced several resolutions, most of which relate to the further procedure and the resumption of play. SLC Management provided representative opinion data of the fans at short notice - to be read in the stadium world, among others.
Mehr...Exclusive survey data on the current crisis in the anniversary show in SPORT1 Doppelpass
In the anniversary edition of the 1000th Doppelpass at SPORT1, the 26th matchday was actually supposed to be discussed and the 1000th edition of Doppelpass was to be celebrated together with the live audience. The current corona situation, however, ensured - without a long lead time - that Bundesliga operations were paused for the time being and all events and crowds of people were rightly stopped. On the same weekend of the planned 26th matchday of soccer in Germany, the DFL responded quickly to the decision of the DFL and was always up-to-date.