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In this overview we keep you informed about our current projects, activities and more.
As a presenting partner of the Sportplatzwelt LIVE Congress, SLC Management once again gave the opening presentation this year entitled "Infrastructure & Finance: Creating room for scope. From feasibility studies for infrastructure projects, regional economic effects of a club and pre-controlling/needs analyses for investment considerations and project plans to the topic of sponsoring - the speakers took the congress participants on a journey through modern, fact-based club management.
Mehr...#InstantInsights - Road to Fan 2024 - How people become fans
Fans are the central and most important asset for clubs, as most of the clubs' campaigns and measures are aimed at them and the clubs' revenue is therefore largely directly dependent on the fans. It is therefore essential for clubs to know their most important target group in order to serve them perfectly. But where does the "fan journey" begin, how does a person become a fan? SLC Management has addressed this issue and surveyed Bundesliga fans in Germany's only representative panel with registered participants.
Mehr...The Perfect Matchday Experience // The Fan Experience Analysis by SLC Management
As part of the professional and sustainable development of professional clubs, the development of the club's infrastructure must be driven forward in addition to sports. Stadium operations play a special role here, because a professional club with its "stadium attendance" product is in constant competition with other leisure & entertainment offerings. Optimizing the stadium experience for fans is directly reflected in customer satisfaction and revenue potential, among other things. These potentials are outlined with the target group-oriented fan experience analysis by SLC, which gives the club a competitive advantage over alternative leisure & entertainment offers.
Mehr...EPS ARENA SUMMIT 2022 | Round-Up of the SLC Forums with exciting insights on the topics "Feasibility" and "Digitalization"
Every year, the stadium and arena industry gathered again at the eps ARENA SUMMIT 2022, which took place on 27/28 September 2022 in the Deutsche Bank Park in Frankfurt, and SLC Management was even represented with two forums this time. The program of the industry meeting, organized by Stadionwelt, ESB Marketing Netzwerk and Eintracht Frankfurt Stadion GmbH, had it all this year: Around 15 forums with over 60 speakers covered all currently relevant topics.
Mehr...Qatar 2022 World Cup- The exclusive SLC report of this year's Winter World Cup in Qatar
As part of its data intelligence partnership with Stadium World, SLC Management took a close look at the status quo in terms of attitudes toward the 2022 World Cup in Qatar for the "Fans: Attitudes toward the World Cup in Qatar" issue of Stadium World (Aug. 18, 2022). Since for the first time in the history of the World Cup the tournament will take place in winter this year, the investigation of the fans' mood is particularly interesting. More than 5,000 fans across Germany were surveyed on this topic.
Mehr...Cash or card? - The views of Germany's four major sports leagues - Exclusive SLC survey on payment in stadiums/arenas
Which payment methods do visitors to stadiums and arenas prefer? How satisfied are they with the options on offer? And how much do fans spend on average when attending a home game? SLC Management, together with Stadionwelt as part of the data intelligence partnership, got to the bottom of these questions.
X-Factor #Hygiene - The exclusive SLC survey on hygiene in Bundesliga stadiums
As part of its data intelligence partnership with Stadionwelt, SLC Management took a close look at the status quo in terms of stadium hygiene at Bundesliga clubs. After all, a high level of customer satisfaction when visiting a stadium should be the top priority for all event organizers. In addition to hygiene measures, especially in times of the Corona pandemic, the availability and cleanliness of sanitary facilities also play a decisive role in terms of customer satisfaction.
Mehr...Car beats public transport: The #study on transport infrastructure in the Bundesliga
As part of its data intelligence partnership with Stadionwelt, SLC Management took a close look at the Bundesliga's transport infrastructure for the second time for the current issue of Stadionwelt INSIDE 5/2021.
Mehr...STUDY: Fan Return to Stadiums - On the Way to Normality?
Slowly but surely, Bundesliga stadiums are filling up again. After a long period of ghost games, followed by a cautious, gradual return of fans to the stadium, capacity is now being increased again immensely in many places, or capacity restrictions are even being lifted completely. Uniform admission regulations? Not a chance! That's why SLC Management initiated and designed a study right at the start of the pandemic to examine fan attitudes on the subject of a safe return to stadiums. After all, fans are the ultimate target group of concepts under discussion, are affected by measures and are essential for the potential utilization of permitted capacities.
Mehr...SLC provides important sentiment for UEFA EURO in Munich on opening stadiums to fans
SLC Management GmbH stands for data and fact-based consulting in the sports environment. With the latest project, SLC was able to make a decisive contribution to ensuring that spectators will be in the stadium for the EURO 2020 matches played in Munich, thanks to the excellent cooperation with the Bavarian Football Association.
Mehr...SLC Management @ eps ARENA SUMMIT 20 Online-Congress
The eps ARENA SUMMIT 2020 will take place on November 18 and 19. do not take place as a face-to-face event as originally planned. An early online congress will show some highlights on November 18, 2020, and the third on-site event for the stadium and arena business will be postponed to March 23 and 24, 2021.
Mehr...Fans advocate restricted return to the stadiums
In a representative survey, we asked more than 5,000 Bundesliga fans about spectators at major events and the start of European club competitions, among other things. In Germany, all major events are prohibited until at least August 31. According to the decision of the Federal Government on June 17, events where contact tracking and compliance with hygiene regulations is not possible should not even take place until at least the end of October 2020. For this reason, the German professional leagues are currently working on concepts that should enable spectators to return soon.
Mehr...Brief study: Transport infrastructure in the #Bundesliga
SLC Management, as the exclusive Data-Intelligence-Partner of Stadionwelt, took a close look at the traffic infrastructure of the German Bundesliga for the current issue of Stadionwelt INSIDE 2/2020. For the fans, the match day does not begin, as is often assumed, with the kick-off and ends with the final whistle of the match, but starts with the arrival at the stadium and ends with the arrival at home.